To keep gold jewelry from fading or tarnish, you should wipe down your jewelry each time finish wearing. This will keep the oil from your body away from your jewelry. And periodically clean your jewelry using very mild soap or alcohol to remove any buildup discoloration.
But first, we must understand and agree pure gold itself do not corrode. There is a reason why gold is known as the prefect metal. We love the attractive color and softness, which can easily shape in any form. Gold is very strong when come to corrosion resistance. And their value of demand is high.
Gold jewelries are very expensive and for some people, it is considered as a good investment. Because buying a gold jewelry will cost us a fortune, it is just right to take care of our investment. After all, these will last forever provided we will take care of them properly.
But why does gold jewelry fade or tarnish? To be honest, gold jewelries are capable of fading or tarnishing especially the gold plated or fashion jewelries. Some gold jewelries will fade even faster than the others.
Over time, jewelries come in contact with oils, acids, moisture and of course air. These jewelries will react to these substances or elements and is the reason why these gold jewelries will fade.
However, there are a number of ways which we can keep our jewelries from fading. How fast jewelry fades depends on a number of factors and that includes the way you take good care of your gold jewelry, the materials used in your jewelry and even your skin composition. So below are the ways you can keep your gold jewelry from fading.
Store Jewelry Properly
Jewelries exposed to the moisture or in the air can be a contributor to the fading of your jewelry. So it is crucial that your jewelries should be kept in the proper place. This is the reason why most jewelries sold in a jewelry store come with a velvet bag to protect them from the sun, scratch and moisture.
You can also put your jewelries in a Ziploc bag, but make sure that there should not be any air inside the bag before sealing it and store. This way, your jewelry would not be able to oxidize from the air trapped in the bag.
Another thing that would help your gold jewelry not to fade fast is the presence of 3M paper. This will help absorb air so better have one in your jewelry box or inside your storage box.
Keeping Your Jewelry Dry
Jewelries in contact with moisture and liquids fade fast. This is why it is very important to keep your jewelries dry. So you may want to make sure that when you wear your jewelry, your skin must be dry.
So if you want to apply lotion on your skin or spray a perfume, make sure you are not wearing any jewelries. In the event that your jewelries accidentally get wet, immediately wipe them and dry them off gently with a clean cloth
Wear It Occasionally
Jewelries that are special to us should be treated special. With that being said, it should not be abused. Although there are gold jewelries that are made for everyday use, but jewelries should only be worn occasionally especially if you have an active lifestyle.
With this, you are able to preserve the value of your gold jewelry as well as its appearance. By wearing it occasionally, you will at the same time minimize the jewelry to be exposed from elements that may contribute from fading or tarnishing.
At this point, maintaining your jewelry at its best quality is of primary importance. So it is crucial that you need to clean your jewelry regularly to keep your jewelry at its best. Below are the ways you can do to clean your jewelry.
How to Clean your Gold Jewelry?
To keep your gold jewelry in tip-top shape, there is a need for you to find an effective cleaning habit. A jewelry cleaning solution which is made specifically for gold is one of the safest and most effective ways in cleaning your gold jewelry. There are a lot of jewelry cleaning solutions you can find online. You can also apply these simple steps below of cleaning your gold jewelry at the comfort of your own home using a dish detergent.
1. Put a few drops of dish detergent in a small container with lukewarm water and mix gently.
Do not use boiling or hot water, especially if your gold jewelry has precious stones. There are precious stones that are susceptible from cracking due to the drastic change in temperature.
This is also true in cold or freezing cold water because the grime in your gold jewelry will contract and become tougher. For better results, you can also use club soda or seltzer-free water.
2. Soak the gold jewelry in the solution and allow it to sit for fifteen to thirty minutes.
This way, the dirt which builds up in the gold jewelry will become soft or loose and therefore will facilitate easy brushing.
3. Use soft-bristled brush or toothbrush and gently scrub each piece of gold jewelry.
Please spend more time to crannies and nooks where the dirt may have built up. These dirt may be hidden and it requires special attention in that area. Please use a soft-bristle, the softer the better, because the stiff bristle may create friction and scratch your gold jewelry and may end up damaged.
4. Rinse your newly brushed jewelry with warm or tap running water.
The dirt that might have been lingering from brushing may be removed through good rinsing. Please make sure the water running in the faucet is not hot or cold. So it is best to let the water flow in few seconds.
Please avoid letting the water in the faucet running in a powerful stream as it may pour a lot of strength in the gold jewelry. Also, if you are cleaning your gold jewelry in the sink, make sure the sink is covered or plugged so you will not accidentally lose your gold jewelry if it slips in your hands.
It would be a good alternative if you will use a metal coffee filter or a pasta strainer when rinsing your gold jewelry.
5. Pat your gold jewelry using a clean and dry soft cloth.
Do not rub your gold jewelry using the cloth as it may create friction. Alternatively, let your gold jewelry sit on a clean and dry towel and let it air dry. Make sure that your gold jewelry is dry before wearing it again, otherwise, it may lead to minor skin irritation.
Please check your gold jewelry and make sure it is dry dry before storing it in your jewelry box.
Hazards to Avoid
Because your gold jewelry is delicate and has a higher chance to fade or tarnish, there are certain substances or elements you need to avoid.
This is a hazardous substance to your jewelry, especially in high temperature like hot tub, Jacuzzi or just a tap water where the pipes are under the scorching heat of the sun. Chlorine can permanently discolor or damage your gold jewelry. Also, please make sure you do not wear any jewelry when you are swimming in the pool or in the beach.
Soap & Dish Drops
Please avoid using soap with unknown ingredients. So make sure that you only use soap that you are familiar with. Basic blue dish soap is alright, but make sure to remove your jewelry when taking a bath to avoid the dirt in your skin to transfer in your gold jewelry.
Perfume & Lotion
Best if you carefully apply perfume or lotion directly on your jewelry. Normally, will be good if you can keep your jewelry area away from perfume or lotion.
Gold Jewelries with Gemstones
While pure gold or 24kt gold do not tarnish, most jewelries, if not all, are alloy or a combination of gold and other metals have a high chance to tarnish.
As for the gold jewelries with gemstones, it is best to do a research on how to clean the specific gemstone. After extraction, many of the natural gemstones are enhanced and treated, and this is the reason why you need to exert an effort to clean your gold jewelry with gemstone.
However, you will never go wrong with cleaning your gold jewelry with gemstone with soap and water as mentioned above. This method is very safe in almost all gemstones. You might want to review again on how to clean your gold jewelry above.